“Authorship Stripped Bare, Even”Sint Lukas, Brussels23 June 2017
In conversation with Yunhee MinAmeringer, McEnery, Yohe Gallery in New York City21 May 2016
“When is Art Political?” Evergreen State College Artist Lecture Series9 November 2015
“We are all Actors”: A conversation with Canadian photographer Jeff Wall, Louisiana Museum, Humlebæk, Denmaerk 31 March 2015
“This is art”: Anatomy of a SentenceKirk Varnedoe Lecture Series at The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU12 November 2013
Kant's 'Free play...' in Light of Minimal ArtKirk Varnedoe Lecture Series at The Institute of Fine Arts, NYU17 September 2013
“The Invention of Non-Art”Department of Art, Stony Brook University22 February 2013